
They just formed their studio months ago, it’s impressive that they have 2 trailers already.

Intelligence agencies use speech pattern recognition software. If you write like a moron, it kind of kills the pattern recognition. Sort of like writing a ransom note left handed.

Now that comcast has instituted a 1TB cap on data per month, cord cutting has lost some of its benefits...

All I can say is that my Uber Saturday night was a new Lincoln MK-S driven by a very nice guy named Muhammad. He arrived within 10 -12 minutes from making the pickup appt, opened the door for Mrs. Stig, the came around and did the same for me. He earned his cut of the fare and the $20 I slid him.

Unions... won’t let technology come in that take their jobs.

Can anyone explain to me why dumb people think people who aren’t in the country legally can get on welfare? It’s already too hard for people who have never even left the country to get government assistance.

I thought for sure that the BLM would be abolished

Because tipping is an stupid practice, and needs to go away in the western world like it has in most other countries. (Especially since a 20% tip has become expected for any service, instead of extraordinary service).

The app warns you that changes to the trip (different destination, stops, etc) will result in changes in the fare.

This isn’t so much A/B testing as it is just basic scientific experimentation, isn’t it? A/B testing would involve implementing two different treatments at the same time, not using one of your kids as a control.

Sensationalism is dangerous from both sides.

Yeah, but this shitty conservative president has both houses of Congress and the SCOTUS. They can and will do things no decent person would dream of.

Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

I don’t think he needs a journey to find racism. He’s not a fragile little white kid like Dr. Strange that needs a cultural walkabout. Pretty sure his own experiences as a black kid growing up in America take care of that, Charmin.

That isn’t how interest works. That would be simple interest; they are not charging simple interest. Compound interest at that rate (assuming this is a month to month term, which it could be even shorter given the vague dates op is giving here) would be 8% like you said, but 8% compounded over 12 periods is an

“I looked around the room and everyone had their heads down. And I said no.”

TWO squares of chocolate? Who eats only TWO squares of chocolate?

Tell your assisted-living care professional he/she did a great job transcribing your senile ramblings. Also that you have a poop in your diaper.

Soylent has put exponentially more work into making their product nutritionally complete than any fast food company has put into making their “food” non-lethal. So quit pulling bullshit out of your ass and substantiate the claim of a nutritional deficit.