All Seeing Eye

Even when you have very valid points, your insistence on conflating allies and enemies make you a real pain in the ass

I am pissed off and this is the payback.. I’m calling Michael as a racist. BTW, a micro-agression is a micro-aggression. If you refuse to show me respect, why should I give a damn about “you people”and not just vote my own self interest from now on?

“wipipo” Just tell me exactly what level of contempt and distain this term is intended to convey. Is it equivalent to the N word or of lesser semi-affectionate meaning? Shall white people start calling “you people” terms like “pocs” or “brownies”? BTW, Michael, you are a racist POS.

Expell them at the end of the semester (I’m feeling generous today.)

is this a primer for “Blkpipo”? Juvenile shit!

The Root is censoring replies again!