the gas cap Mike pulled out of the station wagon wasn't blue. That was the tell.
the gas cap Mike pulled out of the station wagon wasn't blue. That was the tell.
Jimmy's not at that point yet. I assume over the course of the series, he'll get there, he kind of has to in order to become Saul Goodman.
If you're going into the desert to kill a man, you don't use your own car.
now it all makes sense!
Relocating and assuming a new fraudulent identity is expensive. it's probably safe to say that a lot , if not all, of his rainy day fund went to that. Aside from that, yeah, if there's money he's got stashed someone he's not likely to spend it because how would Gene, a Cinnabon manager, account for all that dough?…
I thought it was more of a ethical dilemma. She knew that if she finished the document, she'd be just as culpable as Jimmy. So she was hemming and hawing trying to decide if she could do it or not.
I thought that was just because he thought he convinced Ernesto with his clearly nonsensical bluster. I didn't read any more into it, but several people seem to think Chuck wanted him to hear the recording for some reason.
also it's a junkyard. if someone is bringing their car in to get fixed or to junk, chances are they're going to need a ride. probably not the first person he's had to call a cab for.
yes! those thumbs definitely creeped me out. they're like ET thumbs or something
It was ric flair. It's always ric flair when a woman's involved
JR reinvented himself and stayed relevant after WWE fired him. He has a podcast to stay in touch with and cultivate his fan base and his brand. He has contacts in New Japan, in England with ITV. He made it so that it was a smart business move to hire him back if for nothing else than just to take him off the…
That's why it's called "acting"
Negan talks too much. If you're going to swing, swing. Don't talk.
You have to remember who the audience who watches Hannity (and Fox news in general) is. It's mostly people 70plus, so yeah to them this would be extremely graphic. Young people today with their eight track tapes and their rock and roll.
He broke all our hearts.
I agree. I was hoping Frankie would let her keep it, after Grace said she would get rid of it, that Grace's willingness to get rid of it would be enough for Frankie. It's Grace's home too, and it would be a bit of growth for Frankie to let someone else get their way for once.
there were "at least" 24 killed at the compound according to TWD wiki, add to that the group Maggie and carol killed at the butcher shop, add to that the group Daryll killed with the rocket launcher, add to that all the various and miscellaneous saviors who've been killed here and there, and you're rapidly…
Because that's the number of people who were at the outpost that Rick and Co. slaughtered.
Rick killed about 60 people while they were sleeping. Negan killed Oceanside's men after they wouldn't stop fighting him. You see how Negan operates. he doesn't go to extreme measures lightly. Hell, in response to rick slaughtering 60 of his men, Negan ONLY killed Abraham (he wasn't even going to kill glen but for…
Does it really matter? She ran in blind and outnumbered. Getting caught was inevitable. The how is not that important.