
One-eyed Carl seem to do ok and he was aiming with his missing eye!

If you read up on military snipers, it's not uncommon at all for them to stake out a place for days or even weeks (depending on the value of their target). So yeah, Sasha not having the patience to wait Negan out when you know he's eventually going to show his face again is one of the most aggressively stupid and

Right. When Tara showed up they had lookouts and snipers and they shot at her on sight, but when Rick shows up, hell they can plant explosives right on their perimeter and no one notices. Not to mention, no one has a gun nearby? Last time they were all packing.

Saved her several times. And Tara repays her by breaking her promise, coming back, and stealing all their stuff. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.

Team Negan. Here's hoping he wipes out the Alexandrians and we can just follow the Saviours from now on

It seems the one sure way to get Negan to NOT kill you is to try to kill him.

He does know. That's why he sent Dwight to Alexandria to be his man on the inside to be able to fuck things up when the time is right.

I'm actually rooting for Negan now.. He's somehow more likeable, and comes across as more reasonable and rational than Rick. At least Negan compensates people for the things he takes. Rick just takes Oceanside's guns, after terrorizing them with explosives and gunfire, and the writers, forever wanting us to worship at

It's amazing what fanatics can convince themselves of when it comes to those they see as their enemies

Sounds like he's worried about a lawsuit coming his way and this was his way of trying to avoid it after the fact. Maybe if he apologized before a psycho shot the place up…

Gay people exist. Trans people exist. if our existence makes you uncomfortable that's your problem. But showing us existing isn't a "progressive stunt" it's just a representation of REALITY.

I don't think it's a plot point I think it's just some character information so we know a bit more about who he is.

why does there have to be a reason? can't jesus just be gay? some people are just gay, believe it or not, without any "reasons" other than that's how they were born

Eugene has it good. Negan has treated him pretty well. Also Eugene is a coward, he's said so himself many, many times and I think he actually finally feels safe within Negan's compound. The walkers can't get to him, and as long as he toes the line he has nothing to fear from Negan either. But if he left with Sasha and

I always think back to the pacifist hippies that somehow managed to survive all that time in the zombie apocalypse despite being pacifists and hippies, and yet within a hour of meeting rick, they were dead

the thing that actually bothered me most about that was how Rosita was hotwiring the car with the door open while there were zombies approaching her. you can't hotwire a car with the door closed?

so Sasha's plan at the end was to just run into the saviour's compound and get killed as soon as she walked in the door? Great plan!

So then why was the language there in the first place? Do these organizers make a habit of including clauses in contracts that have no intention of enforcing? Seems like a waste of paper and ink and lawyers fees too. Also raises questions about what other clauses they choose not to enforce, like say, when and how an

when Jon Lovitz is the best known "celebrity" on your celebrity game show…..get better celebrities!

I was so confused about how Eros reached Venus before the 60second timer on Miller's bomb went off. Eros would have to have been flying faster than light but if it was there was no way the roci could have kept up with it. I guess the answer(unless I missed something) is "protomolecule magic"?