

fair point. but i really did like it the way stephen king handled it in 11/22/63. can I spoil it for you?

I'm not sure if you're disagreeing with me or reinforcing my idea or just being sarcastic all around :)

Well it's possible the past (from Thawne/Wells perspective) can be changed but that it attempts to correct itself unless you take dramatic measures to change it. For example, a vasectomy could fail because time is working to restore the original timeline. Wells hinted at that when Barry reversed the Tsunami, even if

You're gonna LOVE the new Star Wars movie.


How can Malcolm just pop into the Arrow's lair twice without the gang taking the fucker down? Did we just forgive him for destroying half the city because he's pretending/trying to be a good father now?

They probably stole the deed to some land that is for some reason going to be very valuable. Hang on, didn't we already have that plot? :/

Or maybe a computer.

I bid you adieu!

Seriously, Marissa is the most awesome female character on the show, why would you want to burden her with the worst one.

She lost me at "Darren Wilson murdered Michael Brown".
Sure, that's how a lot of people feel about the situation, but what is that if not commenting on Ferguson as well? Why should she be any more qualified to make such definitive statements about this event than the show (which I don't think even takes such a strong

20k Baht, not $, so around 600$

yeah, and there's also no way it could reliably know that all of the POI so far were going to be involved in a crime just based on probablity. It really should have predicted wrong at least once. It's a flaw in the fiction, just like the magical "make wall-street unbroken-thing" is nonsense.

I'm not sure what you're saying, other than, the machine can actually see the future. I was willing to suspend my disbelief enough because I'm pretty sure that's NOT what the show is saying… I get that it really knows more than it could, but again, I don't think we're supposed to think it can predict the future.

you might be on to something here.
though the machine just could have told her that the bullets would hit right there (using the painting as a reference) so she could avoid getting hit .

Uhm? I might be wrong but to me that was ultimately Root's decision. The machine let the painting be destroyed in every simulation. There were subtle differences between the final simulation and the actual outcome BECAUSE of the team making decisions on their own.

eh… Agents of Shield still doesn't feel to me like it's in the same universe as the movies. And I'm pretty sure Age of Ultron will only hammer that point home hard even more.

I still think at least the first half of season 1 of Arrow was terribly boring and it only picked up towards the end.

He's actually one of the creators/writers and is guest starring in this episode.