
After we were safely out of there, my main thought was to feel sorry for the women in his life. How miserable.

Apparently, I have bitchy resting face so being told to smile by men was a very common occurrence when I was younger and more appealing to men. Now that I'm past the age where most men notice me, it has subsided. However, a few months ago, I was walking into a restaurant with my teenage daughter and some old creep

I don't know what season it was, but I distinctly remember the episode where Sayid drowned that I said, that's it, I'm done. I had been frustrated for awhile, feeling like if I didn't do the special website and all the other nonsense that I was missing out and that the writers seemed to be making it up as they went,

I agree. This seems all on Kat. I don't think they will survive long as a couple but it will be because of her clingy insecurities. I have been in a relationship like that before and it's suffocating.