
Except on their way out they kill others who WERE taking it seriously and steal beds/resources away from those who WERE taking it seriously.

Thisthisthisthisthisthisthis. I might - MIGHT - feel a twinge of sympathy for them If this was the first they were hearing for It. But, goddamn, we’ve been talking about this shit since last January. Fuck them If they refuse to believe It. And you don’t have to be college educated to know when somebody’s trying to

My mother died from liver and lung cancer when I was a teen. I sincerely wish for these maggots to get cancer instead of covid-19 if that is their agonizing death of choice.

Sadly, the virus doesn’t care about critical thinking skills. It won’t just kill the willfully obtuse, their actions will indirectly kill people who took proper precautions, the health workers on the front lines, our friends, our families. All because they would rather die than be inconvenienced.

I’ve had cancer; trust and believe, you don’t want it.

Amazing — I was just talking to my son about this interview (watched it this morning). It’s remarkable the lengths these patients are going to with their magical/conspiracy thinking.

Honestly, I don’t give a shit about these morons anymore. The only thing I lament is that their ignorance will undoubtedly cause others around them to get sick. 

Never forget that it was Bolton who refused to save America by testifying during Trump’s impeachment because he was busy pushing his bullshit book.

Gee thanks, Mr. “I did nothing when I should have”. What’re you going to do, do nothing again and write another book about it?

Moving on to Kamala and Pence because really now. And she better light that shit up. She might have had a shaky platform going solo and have an abysmal record as CA Atty General but sis comes from Howard and AKA legacy (I am neither, but I have faith in y’all). I agree, no votes will be swayed but at least give us

Fuck it, we need more of these people to speak up because they love losing their jobs or anonymity.

She’s not stupid at all. She’s highly skilled in a broad spectrum of proven propaganda techniques, and very good at her job.

1) You’ve got anger issues, you should really see someone about that.

These are tax payers, it is their money. You whiny little bitch.

Why would my children pay this bill 50 years from now, when last year Amazon didn’t pay any taxes at all?

Right, seriously, a car can take a slap ffs. There’s no reason to fly off the handle.  Even if she dented the car, that’s no reason to shoot a kid.

I wonder if some of these folks are just grabbing their guns because they want the fame and potential Foxnews appearance fees or book deals? I don’t see how it could be worth it, this sort of thing has almost no shelf life that I can see and you could end up without a regular job and a lot of angry people reading

I’m thinking of becoming a super villain just so I can spike America’s water with chill pills.

This is going to be one long, hot and ugly summer. This shit is music to Trump’s ears. His supporters have long wanted a war to be fought in the streets and you cannot tell me that this bitch isn’t part of the MAGAT crew. They have become emboldened since 2016 & see that the end is near so they have no issues taking