
The real problem with Moon pics is, that they all look the same.

Democracy: We only want it when we get what we want.

Seems I am very easy to please, because I thought the episode was phenomenal. I even read all the spoilers and already knew that Abe & Glenn were going to die, but I guess I am immune to spoiled content. I still thought it was awesome to see it happen.


I don’t even feel that anyone can spoil this for me. I know it’s not gonna be Rick, It’s not gonna be Carl either. It sure as hell isn’t going to be Daryl because fandom dicks are rock hard for him and TWD isn’t GoT. Characters I DON’T want to die: Rick, Daryl, Carol. Fuck everyone else. Especially Abe and Sasha.

>That interiour

“Building better Worlds”

Make Mars green again!


I’m not a game dev (which I consider to be mostly elite right up there with NASA or CERN coders), but a normal App/Web dev.


So they can put 1 TB on an SD but only 4 TB on an SSD?

Unheard of? Nowadays Parents don’t even let their kids play alone in the woods. I was out and about with my friends all day when I was 8. The river was the best. The treehouse was the bestest.

Google Developer: “Sir, people are buying less and less new phones. What are we going to do?”

It’s interesting how vaping exploded over the last year.

Silence thine pigmouth, heathen.

lol @ Type L

You know what should get demonetized?

I’m 99.99% sure we aren’t alone in the Universe.

Why ARE women such fans of SUVs, though?