
How many years until Nintendo gets their act together with online services and brings us:

Hopefully they find someone more presentable to the eyes this time.

I played Demon's Souls 1 year before it got released in NA/EU

But who the fuck cares about anyone but the Stig and the Cars?

I hope their next console won't rely on gimmicks like the Wii and WiiU did.

True. I only know one other company who admits errors freely: Blizzard.

Nobody had the idea to mine the game-code for info?

Matt's not gonna like when his new hireling will overthrow him and take the reigns.


I'm a person who accepts a "no" because I also mean it when I say it.

All you can eat for the price of just one leg (per customer)


The Movie sucks.

shot in Australia

This reminds me of the stupid post where some Woman complained that the men on The Walking Dead seem to get more rugged over each season and the women still have shaved armpits.

Fuck those EA games. Nothing good ever came from them.

I suck at debugging but I blame foreign code for that.

At least take his license away.

If this car was real, it would snap your neck in the first turn.

13 clicks per second reporting in.