
Worst season of Dr. Who, because of the political stuff.  I feel like I’m forcing myself to watch the show, for old times sake.

Sorry, Chibnall, but no. This is the first season that I will not be re-watching and buying the DVD set of. This SJW bent is NOT doctor who. The show has addressed issues in the past but not at the cost of rich plot and good, creative writing. The show started going down hill after the original showrunner left.  It

That study is about Twitter. I have not looked into that and have no opinion of Twitter - I don’t use it. I did an analysis of all reviews on RT and Metacritic - there is no indication of vote manipulation on those sites. All the votes with reviews line up with the scores, and there are no significant collisions that

Go read some of the reviews, and tell me how many of them (or what percentage or whatever) say anything negative about politics. I don’t know and have not seen any backlash against Black Panther. I am not aware of She-ra in the first place.

I am not sure that ratings comparison is very valid because older ones do not include time-shifted measurements. I think the last season is the only one that uses time-shifted values, making its results over-inflated.

Yea, bullshit. Dr. Who season 11 rating on Rotten Tomatoes by viewers is 24%. Critics love it, but viewers, not so much. After the first couple of episodes the ratings fell back down. Granted, the ratings are better than for season 10, but that’s not saying much. Bottom line - the writers suck, the show runner is

The joke is that this study considers “Avengers: Infinity War” to be a female-led film because Black Widow and Proxima Midnight are able to have a conversation about murdering one another without mentioning which of their teammates they want to fuck. It’s an incredibly shit survey.

Please recycle your electronics responsibly :)

Hoo boy, this episode is a mess. The dialogue is as bad as usual, but the actors here seem to have no idea how to deliver it. I’m inclined to put that on the director this week, since even the hitherto infallible Mandip Gill had some incredibly scattershot delivery in this episode, and the tone of the rest of the

I guess I’m the only one that believed this episode was horrible.

Welcome to Ernekid hour, Ernekid Hour , where your opinion that differs from them is racist and sexist. But nothing you said is racist and sexist. Ernkid you must have a very hate filled outlook on life that the mere thought of someone with another opinion causes you such great anger you put on your internet warrior

And you who can not think of anything original you have to resort to stealing lines from movies and shows. But it is okay because to people like you, people that have a difference in opinion are a complete threat to your existence. I feel sorry for you, your life is probably filled with days of rage and anger. Try not

Funny, I just stated my own personal opinion and you can’t even handle a difference in opinion hahahaha. also What difference does it make? Is the earth just shattering because I say Syfy instead of “Sci-fi”? Also that is my very point, Vincent was a manic depressed person, who heard voices, they changed those voices

Yes they teach it in school, its the class right before the class about White guilt and White Privilege. I just do not see or have the same feeling for these first three episodes like I did with the previous 3 doctors. My dislike for the new Who has nothing to do with Race, Gender, or any other trivial human obsessions

Sorry, but this episode didn’t change my mind at all:

And maybe that’s for the best - maybe one of the reasons for the drop in viewers over Capaldi’s era was that younger kids couldn’t understand the dialogue. But, hoo boy, does it make it painful as an adult watching it (nothing else about the new series seems like they’re making it for only young children, so there’s

Oooh... fear me... for I am a terrible and deadly Doctor Who monster!!!


I think Moffat’s biggest downfall is that he’s not as clever as he thinks he is. When his stories are self-contained among one or two episodes, he’s brilliant: most of the best RTD episodes are written by Moffat. However, when there’s no form of checks and balances upon him, and he’s got to weave a narrative along a