
Nah... you’re objectively correct.

They’ve gone through the bottom of the barrel and kept on digging, reached China, and found a cheap Chinese rip-off the bottom of the barrel.

How do you sleep at night knowing you write for a website that goads people into arguing using horrific click bait just to make a few dollars? “Reporter”? You and this website are just slime. So fucking dirty and awful. 

Big Finish needs to record video of these. I’d pay even more to watch McGann and Jacobi sitting across from each other and reading these (even if they’re in tee shirts and sandals) than just listening to them. 

Did I miss The Lego Movie 2, Part 1? 

No, no I don’t. Also, I hope you haven’t copyrighted it because I want to use your “can’t tell Tom Baker from a Tom Collins” line. Classic. :)

Season 8 started at 6.8 overnight and was still pulling in 6.3 at Xmas.

No, sorry. You don’t like the new Doctor therefore you MUST be a misogynist. Only explanation. Sigh.

Better? How? In what way? Ratings AND audience appreciation have dropped faster this season than in any of Moffat’s seasons. 

Thanks for posting this and sorry your stepped into a sh*tstorm. I’m one of the people who gave this season a bad score on RT and I’m not a bot. But anyone who has a negative opinion of this season and interpretation of the Doctor is immediately vilified. Which sucks because I had to put up with Capaldi-haters for

I’m TRYING REAL HARD to like this season. But... the Doctor is only the smartest person in the room because the others are kind of stupid. She knew things the spider scientist should have know. She also asked the spider scientist permission to enter her “friend’s” apartment. Huh? Since when did the Doctor ask

This isn’t my Doctor. It might be your Doctor now, but I had to listen to people hate on Capaldi for years (too grumpy, too old, too male) and did it gracefully. I am more than open to a female Doctor, but Jodie isn’t it for me.

Nah, there are other people who share this view but just don’t want the hate hurled at them by expressing it in public. Sorry/glad you did because it needs to be said. I guess we’re like the Rosa Parks of the Doctor Who universe - brave enough to stand up for the truth, even if we get knocked down by narrow-minded

Dude, YOU are the creepy monster of the week because you somehow got into my mind and typed what I was thinking. 100% agree with you. The good news is that Moffat’s episodes have so many layers in them they’re watchable again and again. 

Ditto. I’d add dull. Terrible tell-all-show-nothing dialogue. And I’m sorry, Jodie seems like a great lady and all, but she has no spark for me whatsoever. She doesn’t light up the screen. I feel no eccentricity about her at all. Still contend Ruth Wilson would’ve been the best choice for a first female Doctor Who.

Sorry, but if you want change start at the top. How Chibnall got this gig is beyond me. Jodie has potential to be a phenomenal Doctor but I’m scared it’ll get squandered by this talentless hack. He has said no past characters and villains. Whereas Jodie has talked about wanting her Doctor to meet Rose, River and, of

Just me or does it sound like Lithgow, with his New England accent, say “sometimes dead is bitter”... or like he’s trying to blur the sound of better/bitter? It made me smile considering what happens in the novel. 

I believe there are four different 50th anniversary scripts he wrote that had to get shelved because, as you said, the beeb aren’t great to deal with. I know he had issues. I feel like apologizing for him because nobody else will. Capaldi’s Doctor actually had an arc and it made sense and it was moving. Nobody else

Mmmm.... Grrrr.... I will admit that Moffat isn’t always good at explaining how clever he’s trying to be. He got there with Sherlock at the end of the fourth season too. Weirdly, Mark Gatiss (whose Doctor episodes are almost as bad as Chibnall’s) might have kept Moffat’s cleverness in check with Sherlock. I dunno. I

Interesting, I loved Clara for that reason. She was in love with Smith, then he changed. Capaldi was in love with her, but she didn’t reciprocate because he was old looking. The scene in Dark Water where she tosses the tardis keys into the lava is astonishing. Capaldi loves her, she loves Danny Pink, and he is