They’re fucking TERRIFIED of her. The best part is that their constant and repeated attempts to silence or minimize her are doing nothing but alerting more people to her policies and winning her more fans.
They’re fucking TERRIFIED of her. The best part is that their constant and repeated attempts to silence or minimize her are doing nothing but alerting more people to her policies and winning her more fans.
Lewis Black has a quote that I feel applies here. Because of course he does.
Yet another feckless cunt.
“F word is now routinely .... Who made that decision???”
you know who made that decision?
every single non-action by the fucking smarmy political cowards that let this maniac run this country further into the ground every single day.
don’t fucking like it? take a stand against it!
This burn is a burn that needs to be witnesses and testified to.
“folks who value decorum over sincerity”
What is the difference between saying “white people need to do more about racism” and saying “muslims need to do more about terrorism”?
I may be relaying some information that is widely known already, but as a white person you will be tested by every new white acquaintance on your tolerance for racism. If you don’t nip the casual stuff in the bud your new pal will start raving about racial purity and worse depending how shitty they are.
You should follow the Parkland students on Twitter. They are the future. Smart and cutting. Loving and savage.
You spelled feckless wrong, because he is not fuckless, he is getting reamed by the NRA with the barrel of an AR-16 on the daily because he is bending over for them at every step.
Hey, asshole, look at your job title. It’s “Legislator”.
Rubio is proof that Republicans will vote for any garbage with an “R” next to their name. Rubio was humiliated left and right during the 2016 election- mocked by his own party as unfit for the presidency. Yet he still hangs on to one of the most powerful positions in the country.
Well said, the GOP are experts at misdirection and controlling the narrative, it needs to stop.
“Just give me a call. I will be there. On time!” Reggie said.
Even as a kid, I would read magazines and wonder why they went with “f*ck, f**ck, etc.” instead of just spelling the dam word.
“...her language became the focus of the segment as opposed to the message; it was optimal rant bait for folks who value decorum over sincerity and will do basically anything to avoid talking about gun control.”
I will leave this gem for you to ponder:
Reading is essential, Terry. He didn’t ask for your applause.
This is because Marco Rubio is a fuckless cunt.