Frater M.P.D.

There’s no external creed, but you do work towards designing your own personal credo. Which could look like anything you like — our church tended towards artwork rather than verbal statements of belief — but at the end of the day you wanted to be able to point to *something* that you believed in, even if it were only

Yes, - one of the principles is to support each other’s search for truth and meaning.

No.We have 7 principles that you are required to accept. But it is a non creedal religion.

They’re using their protected status as a religion to make factual arguments. Their arguments aren’t reductio ad absurdim, they’re legit claims to religious freedom using the language of the law. They’re also not pretending to believe in Actual Satan; they’ve got a list of their religious tenets, the pertinent one

I think The Satanic Temple makes a good point that a religion doesn’t have to mean worshipping a God or belief is an afterlife. They have a set of firmly held beliefs, and they are using legal remedies to protect their right to live according to their own firmly held beliefs.

Yeah. And the worst part is then the religious assclowns then go and turn it around and consider atheism a religion when it’s convenient to them.

Also, they tend to get involved when honest arguments and reason have failed to work. The religious right can cry “oppression” whenever anything that they don’t like is passed. Arguing why their ideas are wrong with science doesn’t address the “you can’t tell me to go against my religion!” side of things.

I identify as a Christian but I admire the Satanic Temple folks for their ability to troll the religious right in a way that works.

I recently got into a fairly heated exchange with someone when I attempted to point out that the Satanists were not actually worshipers of the mythical being Satan, but just really vocal (and awesome) trolling progressive atheists.

I’m also an atheist. I believe deeply in arguing with people on the terms that they’ve set out. This is the best example of this.