
cats are a semi-regular occurrence at Sajik, interrupting Lotte Giants games every once in a while

Man, this is stone cold, wanting to keep down salaries even for the most ultimate of warriors? They must be living under a rock if they don’t see how bad a look this is. Absolutely savage. Mankind can be so cruel.

I’d be fine with expanding the number of plays subject to review under the following conditions: There are NO automatic reviews - not for scoring, turnovers, last 2 minutes, nothing is automatic. Every single review has to be initiated by one of the teams. You have to signal for the review before the next play, no


He was great in “Reign Over Me.” It’s a fairly syrupy movie that could have been a lot better, but Sandler is excellent in it.

Punch Drunk Love and Funny People are proof that Sandler can act, which only makes it sadder that he doesn’t seem to want to.




Homer? That’s a camera hole out there and I’m betting that thing bounced and got the camera guy right in the undercarriage, hence the ruling of a 2 bagger is legit.

Well. This is too bad, but understandable; it’s a long time to be playing one role (though he’s managed to do other work) and a really long time to be eating only boiled chicken or whatever.

[Pope Francis’ upcoming Ghostbusters reference will be replaced with a Beetlejuice reference. It’s surprisingly seamless.]

Does that mean we’re losing Sean? I’d respect his decision to get back into acting, but I’d really hate to see him go.

“And now, the next continent on The Price is Right...

“who has hiked in six contestants”

Neat story, but “...hiked in six contestants”? What was he in, Willy Wonka or Fantastic Voyage?

A deeply socially awkward man who tries to relate to people through poorly-timed Simpsons references?