I got a Vanderpump Rules notification for this?
I got a Vanderpump Rules notification for this?
Betteridge's law (kind of) strikes again!
This isn’t a big action film that will play well worldwide. This is a romantic comedy. They can make a similar rom com and get 85% of the same viewership for $5 million or less.
“Sounds like Neeson changed his mind from a few months ago, as he just reprised his role of Qui-Gon Jinn in force-ghost form for Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The longer we keep hearing about this, the more it sounds like a terrible $90 million pilot that wasn't picked up.
The doppeldoctor looks like the Matt Smith version of those Charlie Kirk memes where they shrink his facial features on his big head.
I’m surprised Disney hasn’t offered them a Star Wars trilogy yet.
I’ll fully admit to not really following this story very closely, but I don’t think Warner/Discovery is going to eat a $90 million in a tax write down because Brendan Fraser has been praised for The Whale.
Why is this here? I get why it’s news in Boston (well not in Boston but nearby, no, not Tufts), but why here? The tweets shared have a few hundred likes and combined about a hundred retweets. The Reddit post has 47 comments after 3 days. Is there genuinely that little going on that this warrants a GJ,I?
The worst thing Matthew McConaughey ever did was make people think adding “-aissance" to the end of an actor's name was a good idea.
You can’t really trust the AV Club anymore on pop culture/media pre-1990 or so. That was solidified by the “Best Thanksgiving TV Episodes” article last week that had a non-Thanksgiving Office episode, yet didn’t include WKRP, Cheers, or Bob Newhart.
I loved Guzmán in IMDB.
GJ,I is struggling while they try to avoid Twitter. Now they’re just summarizing Boing Boing roundups.
Weird, I wasn't in high school when the second episode aired.
So instead of making shows for the young people who might stream them later, they’re going to start making shows for the old people whose TVs are on between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. And then ultimately sell the network again in a few years when that doesn't work either. Good luck.
Back in my day, an F used to mean something. This is just a bad D- movie.
Evel Knievel is the true bad guy here.
Bam was my favorite as a kid, but rewatching the movies and show on Paramount+, I’ve come to the same conclusion about him. Everyone else is either (mostly) harmlessly pranking strangers, hurting themselves, or both, while Bam is punching his dad in the face and destroying his house.
Previously, on Ezra Miller's Hawaii vacation...