
Great! Shall we start with all the women Biden has groped?

Warner Bros.’ last two DC films, Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad...

You can also watch most of them every other weekend on Freeform from now until the end of time.

The Root gets away with some really racist shit.

What’s it like to have a username that puts all other usernames to shame?

“Look, sorry, I get no pleasure from being so negative...”

These guys sound like total wastes of skins, but this is AV Club-type news... why? Are they at least making a web series or punk album smearing their crap around? No? Just some a-holes on the Internet? And for off-topic stuff like this, quality original writing in the form of film reviews gets buried in the abysses of

 It seems less Twitter’s fault than the people who assume verification means endorsement. Me, myself would like to know it’s the real shithead posting his hateful rhetoric so he can’t hide and say it was somebody else.

Groper Cleveland

“A comedic masterstroke.”

It other record breaking news, it will be the 500th show this year to feature New York as a character itself.

I’d like to see them cut the price in half if you leave your damn cell phone with the usher. No wait. I’d like to see them ban people from entering, unless they leave their damn cell phone with the usher.

I clearly said it was The Mets, so nothing resembling baseball was being played

It’s not just dumb jokes. It’s the need to HOT TAKE something clearly false for no other reason than to get your name in the press.

There was an independent theater in Los Gatos, CA that used to charge more for children, less for adults. Makes sense to me - you want parents to think twice about bringing kids into a movie ....

I guess that’s the problem with sharing a network with asinine asshats — you’ll always just sound like an asinine asshat.

It’s just hard to tell because the guy is so unfunny. Even dad jokes groan when they hear Gutfeld.

I don’t call Coldplay at all. Don’t ever want to talk to those guys.

“I didn do nothin’, you know? Just tortured some animals and killed that girl. But it wasn’t me, you know.”

And then Booster Gold bursts into Martian Manhunter’s house and they high five. Booster turns to the camera and screams “See you in Justice League International!!!” And suddenly the bleak world of 2017 feels a little less miserable.