
I'm a cynical former movie theater general manager. They aren't re-releasing Ali for any other reason than to try and bring people out to the theater to buy popcorn and Milk Duds. Studios and theaters both fear that the cinema is dying because of HDTV and millennial's short attention spans, so they want to capitalize

Sometimes, Network decisions are correct.


Check out the facts, it's the Hollywood facts,

I don't get his appeal. His musical stuff is technically good, I guess, but it's not like it's crazy difficult to beatbox and loop it with the proper equipment. He seems like he's trying too hard to make obscure references that people will find funny simply for the obscurity, and to me it comes off as massively

Angie Tribeca is really good, if you like Airplane! and similar films. If you don't like that brand of humor, you won't like Angie Tribeca.

Wasn't yesterday's "For Our Consideration" about how creators shouldn't listen to fans? Now today you're saying you can't be successful unless you kowtow to fans. I realize big-budget movies are different that late night talk shows, but this is getting ridiculous!

If it was truly "the episode that shall not be named" why did you mention/link to it in almost all, if not every, episode review since it aired? I don't like Trump either, and that episode definitely sucked in its own special way, but if I don't like something, I definitely don't talk about how much I don't like it

After Kendra and Carter flew off and they cut to the rest of the team, I really hoped Rip would say something along the lines of, "and to think, she was just a barista" but alas, it was not to be.

Thanks @willharrisinva:disqus for covering another great season (technically two if you count both shows separately, I think) of television! Your reviews are always spot on, and you make it evident that you can both be a critic of a show, while loving and respecting it. I hope you get to keep doing both shows next

It's a little fuzzy. Eddie walked up to them and asked what they were talking about, and they said the Bechdel test, but I don't think we actually heard them talking about it to each other. But I also wasn't paying attention to their conversation until they said they were talking about the Bechdel test, so I could be

They talked about oranges, if I recall correctly.

This video currently has 213 views. Not such a great job, Internet.

According to an interview I read with Kevin Smith, he didn't give Jason Mewes that cameo. The producers wrote it in and asked if he thought Mewes would do it.

Everyone else here seems to think she's dead, but I'm on Team Coma City.

I'm too lazy to look it up, but someone did an animation of Santa showing up all pissed off. Its on YouTube.

When The Commish started, he was 28 and now he's 52. He's just always looked old, like Rod Serling.

When she held up her set of keys to Jimmy's apartment was ridiculously cute.

I don't see it listed, but Grandfathered didn't have the episode covered this week (it had been getting regular coverage). I didn't read it was discontinued anywhere, nor did I really look into it, but I figured I'd give you a head's up.