Fraser Forster, The Unfrozen Caveman Keeper

He’d be obligated to write an article about how to clean blood from pavement.

You find a razor on the ground, you’re going to use it.

Daddy’s little fraud, she’s as fake as daddy’s ridiculous make-believe bio is. She is not a “businesswoman”, her daddy gave her a “company” to play with. She was never a “model”, her daddy pulled strings to help her pretend she was. She is not “poised” or “moderate”, she is actually contrived and artificial, nothing

Feet? I thought he only liked fucking the Calves

Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.

The Quicker Fucker Upper

This discussion can only have three true outcomes.

What conservatives don’t get is that their very brand of political ideology is built upon status quo. Because that’s literally where the term conservative comes from. Every instance where they call for the status quo, for quiet inaction from everyone, for things to just stay ‘neutral,’ they’re espousing their

And then they grow older and have no idea how to play actual soccer and their parents wonder why little Timmy isn’t getting a college scholarship and the US can’t field a decent team.

Let’s Forget Some Guys

The 2017 New York Jets: Where Are They Now?

Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...

One time, I was running while holding a corn snake

You are a real that guy’s that guy.

If the windows don’t function, the electronics are messed up and the lights are malfunctioning it is possible it is water damaged.

I didn’t know the Pantheon had a god of stupidity.

Do we though? Truly? Or do we really already know?

If they want less attention, try crying “Rape.”

With special thanks to the Saint Ignatius High School Federalist Society for the use of Aaron’s photo.