
The first really extravagant purchase I remember making, as in, just wantonly tossing money at something I wanted, was when I was around ten or eleven and on a trip with my family. Our parents gave my sister and I a monthly allowance that we deposited in our own checking accounts. The idea was that you could spend

My mom died last year, after a long struggle with alcoholism and myriad other mental illnesses. As a kid she lived in a house with no running water, for awhile, and then with her grandmother, and great aunt, and in a frat house her parents took care of, and in all kinds of less than desirable situations. She graduated

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

I was born for this thread...

To my eyes, this movie is 10/10. I value my eyes the same as my fingers....

I’m having a major schadenfreude moment. One of my friends was taking credit for the introduction because she had booked Jennifer to perform at a gala at Mar-A-Lago with The Marred one himself in attendance a few years ago. I was so disappointed and pretty shocked. This feels like a gift.

My father’s cousin was murdered in Miami while she was prosecuter. He was your stereotypical pothead murdered by the preppy, clean-cut guy next door who happily played off people’s misconceptions to claim self-defense. According to everything I have been told, it would have worked if not for Janet Reno.  I wasn’t

I love how much I am getting to use this GIF :)

He should be begging Sue and Mel to stay if he’s gonna go in that direction!!!

Will: Hmm, Kate, darling, fancy a child?

Remember, kids: Midterm elections exist and they matter. Get out and vote this year, and then do it again in 2018.

I do not miss TWoP, myself, but I do miss MightyBigTV. Yep, still.

Please accept this nice gif I found as a pledge of my continued support!

On the one hand, I survived the folding of TWOP and am sure I’ll survive the folding of another quality internet community of humans.

Tormund + Brienne continues to be great.

Rogelio is hands down my favorite person on this show

As a latina, this show SPEAKS TO ME. My mom and I talk about it constantly, and I’ve never been able to relate to a character more than I relate to Jane. And oh man, when Michael said his vows in Spanish, I DIED. Like, I was ugly crying. I can’t imagine having a partner do something so personal and thoughtful. It was

I'm still convinced The Narrator is a grown-up Mateo.

Another cute pic of my fave boys.

I attended a wedding at the Grand Hyatt that took place at the same time as the Bee. It was surreal: I was drinking champagne and eating goat cheese bacon pops, and then every once in a while some random 12-year-old came running around the corner, crying.