Franz Lundquist

After years of refusing to watch or spend any money on the original trilogy so long as it was the edited version, I broke down and bought it. To be honest, other than Greedo shooting first, some awkward framing, the revised Jabba band scene, and whiny Anakin replacing Old Man Anakin, it’s fine. And the scenes in space

After years of refusing to watch or spend any money on the original trilogy so long as it was the edited version, I

All I can think of is watching him on Bill Maher and thinking, “the people you think agree with you will throw you under the bus the first time you give them an opening, then back up the bus, then blame you for the bus existing in the first place.” A fool...everyone could see it but him.

Another white guy here. Thought it was a great article. I think everybody needs to make sure they’re listening before they get defensive. And one of the best ways to do that in a society that seems, to me, to still be segregated, is to read authors from different backgrounds and just hear and respect what they have to

feminism is not inclusive.

Wwwwww-wait. Why is 100% women an improvement over a crowd that includes men? Did I miss something on the road to equality?

I was very touched by this. It’s a different situation, but I remember in 1984 when I was 4 or 5 and my parents explained the Holocaust for the first time. They had to, because my twin brother and me were asking so many questions abour why we had so few older relatives. It sounds like you have a lovely daughter.