
Lorenzen Wright. Now that was a guy.

> Mac
> Steam
> A game you want to play

Before people kneejerk at the title and think Win10 is somehow more awful at playing games than the versions before it: this only applies to games bought off the Windows Store. All other traditional games (like ones bought off Steam or installed from a disc) work just fine, and more or less exactly like they would in

They’ve got one thing going for them: They aren’t the Cardinals.

Until everyone buys them ... and then you can’t see over anyone else.

Focus rS!

“Adequate Punk Ass Bitch” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue the same way.

Yup. This is “adequate man,” guys. Not “superextraordinarypretty man”

If he had done that at third, Pablo Sandoval would’ve just eaten Coco Crisp.

Perhaps a great, or even good, man needs these products. But the Adequate Man does not.

I wonder how jezebel would feel if a man wrote an article like this for women.

Counterpoint: these are all unnecessary unless you’re trying to be a model or something. Just practice basic hygene and you’re fine.

This is a bunch of horseshit.

My face is going to age gracefully like a well-worn baseball glove. Like Robert Redford. I’m pretty sure he’d drink Bay Rum before putting any of this nonsense on his face.

He’s GOTTA go Elliot.... Given the Hitchcock’s Blues past playoff track record, if he goes Allen and loses, that entire organization and fandom might have a collective aneurysm

James Neal was playing by a man possessed last night. I’d like to submit this series as the best one of the playoffs. Sorry Caps/Pens.

The goalies have...not been great this series.

There are 3 things certain in life: death, taxes, and the San Jose Sharks will find a way to blow a series that they had all but won.

22-year-old keeper