Dave Smith

That level of fun and abuse would require a manual.

British Leyland!!!

upper middle class = rich

The cops can’t be firefighters because their first instinct for putting out a fire would be to yell “stop resisting”, then shoot the fire, then claim they feared for their life.

Yeah, Facebook definitely programmed me. It programmed me to not use Facebook because it’s shit.

Someone needs to do a piece on the ‘Small’ Nissan Primeras.

Every time i see that car I just think about how much automatic transmissions suck.

But hey, you do what you gotta do to keep yourself from moving to Europe over a fuckin car.

Sure, but it will be a 3 row crossover.

Ban the infotainment screen.

Back in ye olden days, we bought everything from sellers on eBay with money orders! Sent in envelopes! With stamps! Money orders!

I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite click bait on the Citadel.

“Instead of fixing it, I drove around for a couple weeks using my brights, because I’m a lazy asshole.” 

Lamborghini Uranus.

Driving will still be legal at the state and local level. First, physicians will prescribe driving for medicinal purposes, then driving will become available for recreational use.

Yes let’s trust the american people to do the right thing. (oh fuck)

In other countries higher trim levels and manuals are not mutually exclusive; that seems to be a US phenomena. Personally, I like the lower trim levels - more comfortable wheels and tires, fewer gadgets to break, and cloth seats. My Mazda5 6MT is poverty-spec, but I’ve been adding many of the missing features myself

The car enthusiasts clamoring for manuals in family sedans are like the serial abusers saying “Baby, this time it’ll be different.” Making a ruckus isn’t enough, people need to actually buy the damn thing. And buy it new, not 10 years later after it’s depreciated to nothing.

Nissan’s new slogan: “You literally looked at nothing else”.

You know what is functionally superior to any touchscreen?

Hate to be that guy but the road going RenaultSport (RS) Clio doesn’t have a manual, hence there being so much hate thrown at it by the press over here.

That aside, it’s a pretty sick donut for a FWD car at all.