You get Republicans buying all kinds of EV for the parking and the HOV access.
You get Republicans buying all kinds of EV for the parking and the HOV access.
Gloria Steinem is 100% absolutely an icon. But Meghan Markle?
I used to live in DC and knew a lot of people in Melania’s circle. She deserves no sympathy. Rumor had it (and it was a good, solid rumor mill so I believe it) that after he won, she renegotiated the prenup so if she stayed with him through the presidency, she’d get more money—a lot more money. That’s why she stayed…
Eh. I went to a friend’s wedding and was 10 weeks pregnant. I pretended to drink (sparkling water with a lime looks JUST like a vodka tonic) and while one or two people figured it out, it wasn’t discussed. Because it wasn’t the appropriate time--I wasn’t ready to share the news after having a miscarriage and it was…
This is true. I was a Republican and it was because of taxes (not that I understood much about the tax code considering I dropped econ), and then it was because I thought I’d get a job in the WH due to connections (I did not), and it was also because of my dad. I thought that’s what our family did.
And if you’d like to comment on their standards, I recommend going here:
You’re absolutely right she chose this. Rumor in DC is that she’ll get a better payoff if she stays through his term. I’m sure it’s not very hard, considering she and Barron don’t even live in the White House.
HA! Totally. The trailer for this film gave me nightmares, but I want to find out all about it.
Huggies is a founding sponsor of the National Diaper Bank Network.
Yes, donate dollars AND if you’d like, donate diapers. The diaper banks can stretch a dollar, but they use every diaper they receive.
Please go to the National Diaper Bank Network to find out how you can help. Donate dollars—or diapers or wipes—to your local diaper bank (which you can find online at the National Diaper Bank Network). This is such a horrible, sad problem and it’s not going away anytime soon.
OMG. I LOVE Bad Girls. Such a great movie.
Rumor in DC is that Barron and Melania live in Potomac in her parents’ house, so I don’t think he does spend much time with his dad. Which makes sense in a lot of ways, most especially the lack of traffic disruption that would be normal for a motorcade going from the White House to St. Andrew’s.
No articles, but more of a public secret.
There are two Alexandrias—the City of Alexandria, which is Old Town and all that. Then there’s Alexandria, Fairfax County which is where Mt. Vernon is and all the way to Annandale, and I can tell Money that there’s no fucking way it’s a tourist destination. Obviously, the Money article was just referencing the City of…
I remember being 15 and I had a huge crush on a 19 year old. He was definitely into me, too, but because of the age difference, nothing ever happened. I found a picture of the two of us in a trunk of Old Memories and was so glad that he never tried anything. I would have definitely reciprocated, but it was my first…
CALL your member of Congress. Talk to the kid on the phone and demand to know what your member of Congress or Senator is fucking doing.
No, you can’t choose between apple juice, milk, or water. It’s apple juice or water, and that’s it. My kids hate apple juice and milk and only drink water, and we have to pay extra for the healthiest possible option. I’m fine giving my kid french fries and a burger, but I want to be able to get a fucking water. But I…
It varied. Some nights she’d have one or two glasses of wine, but I distinctly remember her getting trashed on NYE (two weeks before she was due). She found out about my nephew’s hearing when she was pregnant with my niece, and the first thing she did was drink a glass of wine. She didn’t always get drunk, but she…
I watched my sister drink throughout all three of her pregnancies. One kid seems fine now and hopefully will remain so. Second kid was born with a serious heart condition that necessitated a heart transplant before he was a year old (and is now Deaf as a result of the anti-rejection meds). The third has the FADS…