Frank W. Doom

I don’t think they need to remove it. I propose the following changes.


So let me get this straight....if I’m reading the sarcasm correctly, I’m supposed to conform to the predominant mindset around here, and shun the rest of the world outside of this region, or I’m the closed-minded one? Despite the fact that I’ve fully accepted the willingness of others to cherish their ignorance and

This is wrong and you didn’t show your work. If you had shown your work you would get partial credit at least.

They’re making a joke about criticism of Puig for vaguely defined character or behavioral faults and the conservatism of baseball’s conventional wisdom.

Typical Puig, not throwing it to the cut off man like he should.

There’s only one playset that needs a re-release:

It’s the rare PR move that not only handwaves the “real reason” behind the unsigned party, but also sandbags the actual signee.

Thriller 76 is best 76

*Genji writes on cave walls*

The cobbled-together death-traps inhabiting central Kentucky may be good for a Darwin Award but not to share the road with.

I’d start by finding a mechanic who will do the inspection and what he wants to get paid for it.

So this seems to be a big point of contention in this investigation. The team is technically responsible for providing a suitable house. This house was actually selected by Fassfy because she believed this house was a better option than the one the team put forth. When some of the issues (A/C, mold, sanitation)

It’s the organization itself, whomever owns it. I think it’s Plantronics at this point. Riot only refers to Tainted Minds as it’s own organization and does not call out specific people.

Fasffy the team manager may have some blame in this instance, depending on how much control and responsibility she was given by the

The Organization, in this case Tainted Minds, who owns the team holds the lease for the property. There is a landlord for the property as the organization did not simply purchase the house and instead leased it.

None of his jeeps function. He would be shoveling it into the trunk of a Lexus press car or something.

To be fair, David would only nope it because it wasn’t a jeep.

Ha! I have a bag of four screws left from my heater core. No IDEA where they go, but the damn thing works!

Jeepers Creepers for villain route...I got nothin’ for hero

I mean... maybe just have a hard look at your life choices...?