
A good rule of thumb is that if a male writer is gonna be an asshole, then he better be a good fucking writer.

Yes! Run the rascal out of town on a rail! Hide his Ensure and prunes! Make sure the waitress at the diner always brings him cold soup, then refuses to heat it up a even a little!

Really? That’s the bit where I got interested.

You can tell by the way he holds his chin — author book jacket photo circa 1945 — that he’s a thoughtful guy. He reminds me of a young and psychotic Edmond “Bunny!” Wilson.

Yeah, yeah, somebody clever told him to project strength because Midwest civility and reasonableness ain’t cutting it with people working 2+ jobs who live in low-level dread their kids will grow out of their current pair of jeans in the next three months. So, strength with just a soupcon of belligerence and dash of

Because disbursements for $83 million are usually sent by check and division of funds done by the recipient. I do like the thought, which shows a “common touch.” I wonder if she had to stand in line at the bank for a long time.

Memo to Louis C.K.: Here’s the thing, taking a contrarian’s view that challenges common assumptions simply for the laughs created by shock value works well in comedy. In real life, not so much. With that in mind, here’s a gentle reminder of why Hitler was a monster.

Because a guy who has built his entire career on self-deprecating shtick that he’s a loser who loves to masturbate and that nothing in this world is great is just the right person to deliver political analysis and historical insight to Trump supporters who feel threatened at every turn.

I am relieved these people don’t have any influence in the real world or influence issues that matter.

Because actors like playing dress-up and playing with make-up. It’s ingrained in the modern acting “process.” See An Actor Prepares — the sacred text of actors — and the scene where chocolate cake is used as blackface to play Othello.

It’s the way it’s always been — the good stuff goes to the ruthless, lucky, and clever. There was a brief period where you could have a decent paying job and be a nice person, but that didn’t last long.

I just assumed definitions of marriage and family always changed, evolved to fit current needs.

Of course he uses a computer! It’s yuuuge!

I’m sorry to hear that. I have seen good O’Neill from film actors, i.e. Kevin Spacey, Brian Dennehy et al.

I seriously doubt that. O’Neill is no walk in the park, but Whitaker has never been “terrible” in anything.

That can be a comfortable ride.

Chris Rock was there to innoculate the event from post-awards criticism. He has the high profile harsh words and becomes the story. In an industry where everyone — except Johnny Depp — is one or two mistakes from losing their seat at the table, people get nervous.

You can bet she’ll get some TV offer to play “black republican” within the next year on some sitcom. Also, not all the jobs are on the big screen or little screen. The B-list and D-list make a nice living giving speeches to organizations/conventions. They can pocket a check for $15,000 or $20,000 for an hour speech to