Frank Walker Barr

I can’t tell you how hard I rolled  my eyes when they said Bruce Banner has six or so PhDs in Thor: Ragnarok. That’s ... just not how it works. Outside of some very narrow circumstances, like you need a special certification to work in a field, multiple PhDs are a sign of instability and unemployability, not smarts.

Which is insane because while I am not a fan of Jeb Bush, he at least doesn’t come off as a moron. No idea how Dubya managed to be president but he didn’t(although I guess he may still have a chance to run in 2024)

Alf is pog form.

It might have also helped if he had been at least half Joe Camel and one third Fonzarelli.

Obviously pilot never went to series because the dog was insufficiently rastafied.

I take it Poochinski died on his way back to his home planet. 

I really like the Cromwelliad (so far -- need to read The Mirror And The Light) but yeah, I prefer Safety and its sprawl. 

He did - although rather incoherently (he didn’t really know what he wanted, just what he wanted not to happen, which is why his republic ended up with a king-in-all-but-name (and even an a hereditary heir, briefly)). At least Napoleon knew what he was doing. And while he wasn’t a true revolutionary, Napoleon did have

Isn’t it great how the highest profile backlash against rich people, the thing everyone in the country knows about is how a bunch of actors sang an overplayed Beatles’ outtake. Not, you know, Palantir, not Amazon’s abuse of workers and union busting, not rich people lining up to buy up private islands to hide out

It’d be interesting to see which countries have the highest rate of nonsensical tattoos in foreign languages.

I just think he was so largely unaware of his own privileges as a white good looking man, and just how much of an advantage that is despite being born to poverty. It just felt like a modern retelling of a Boomer perspective.

Whither Mark Russell?

It’s historical allegory at its most superficial, a fantasy designed to self-satisfyingly gesture at the egregious wealth disparity of our own time with little other commentary or parallels to speak of when it comes to the lived experiences and complexities of the era in which it is set.”

Is it about a dog’s growing realisation that he was getting kicked out of his band because he admitted he was tired of playing “Dust in the Wind”?

You think that’s bad? I’m cheating on my girl with an entire bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in one sitting.

I completely fabricated it. As far as I know, Benjamin Franklin’s John Hancock didn’t shatter into a little Button Gwinnett.

Coming 2 America, Taking 1 Look At This Shithole, Returning 2 Zamunda Immediately.

I feel like “Backing Slowly Away From America And Coming To Just About Anywhere Else” would be a bigger hit these days.

What Frank Walker Barr said. This used to be the case until they were forced to stop that after it got ruled as anti-competitive by the Supreme Court. This was a great thing because this is what paved the way for indie films and art-houses and creative freedom for both behind-the-camera personnel and actors because