Frank Visone

Wow, reading this gave me the same chills I got when watching the episode for the first time (and pretty much subsequently every time thereafter). Todd, you NAILED this one perfectly. it is such a complex, yet simple episode all in one stroke. there is just so much to take in and its done in such a simple but so

Great commentary, but I do have one slight "objection", if you will humor me. where you talk about Malarkey picking up the laundry and it not necessarily being put into the right placement, I disagree. I remember when I watched that scene for the first time, and the gravity of it really struck me. How it was

I remember every moment of when this series came out. I had read the book, and as this TV story unfolded I was fully engaged, engulfed in each and every moment. One of the things I think helped most when making this was the fact that the majority of the actors were yet unheard of. I helped lend a real legitimacy to