genus: [unknown]

Why couldn’t they just take their personal items home instead of throwing them away or lighting them on fire?

I think it’s kind of weirdly sweet how he always focuses in on Sheri Moon’s ass in his movies, as if to say “check it out, world, isn’t my wife hot?”

I'd still rather get shot at a shitty country show than sit through NOFX on a good night. 

I’ve seen a lot of people saying that Tuunbaq was unnecessary to the story, because the real fate of these men is grim and horrifying enough. But that’s the point. Introducing a cool monster is what keeps this whole thing “fun scary” and not “depressing scary.” It adds a layer of unreality to the proceedings that’s

The phrase is “moral deserts,” as in “what a person deserves,” not “desserts” as in “ice cream.”

Ted Danson is some kind of fucking Charm Elemental summoned from the Charisma Dimension.

I didn’t even know Dax Shepard could play the fiddle, or that he ever met the devil in person, but it’s the only explanation...

I don’t stack plates for the server’s sake, I stack them to make room on the table.

Honestly, for the past couple of years I’ve been trying to avoid using “literally,” even in its correct sense, and it hasn’t been too inconvenient. I’m not convinced we need the word at all.

“But I was afraid to use one for many years, just because of what happens in the This Is Us kitchen.”

Didn’t this show just start like a year ago?

I work in the library industry. I never had trouble saying the word “library” before I had to say it dozens of times per day. After six years in this job, it always wants to come out “liberry.” It’s like my mouth itself has grown sick of saying that fucking word and refuses to cooperate when I try.

Language changes, and usage shifts, and a word can mean one thing, and its opposite, plus three or four other completely unrelated things, and we just have to accept that.

But the misuse (or, let’s say “expanded” use) of “literally” is just... annoying. That’s all there is to it. It’s grating. It was grating when Rob

Rory Kvlkin

Among other things, “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” is all about coded references to the horrors of race-mixing. Foreign practices find their ways into a quaint New England seaport, and next thing you know, everyone’s interbreeding with literal monsters.

All this is foreshadowed near the beginning of the story, when the

Couple of things:

1.) The cat “Nigger-Man” is mentioned repeatedly throughout “The Rats in the Walls.”

2.) “The Call of Cthulhu” makes clear that the Cthulhu cult is made up of “half-castes” and “negroes and mulattoes, largely West Indians or Brava Portuguese from the Cape Verde Islands.” The event that instigates the

“I have seen the Dark Universe, yawning.”
- H.P. Lovecraft reviews The Mummy (2017)

Right. The original title was going to be ‘Sadomasochists From Beyond the Grave.’ They’re not in it for good or evil, they’re just kinky as shit on a cosmic scale.

I mean, it DOES sound like the kind of thing he would do.

But Kylo does say that he sees her turning.

I don’t think Snoke was set up as a mystery for the audience to solve. It’s not like anyone in the actual films said “boy, I wonder who this mysterious leader of the First Order is. Whaddya think, is he like Darth Plagueis back from the dead or something? That would be crazy.” All that stuff happened off-camera, on