
That 1977 “cover” is a fake version of a real Time’s cover that appear in April 2007:

while I do for the most part think this is stupid, a lot of new cars have a lot of sound deadening, and if your stereo is up loud enough, you aren’t hearing anything anyways...

Just a few weeks ago at my apartment complex, as a gal was pulling into her covered parking spot her flip-flop got stuck in the pedal and she drove over the parking brick, through the wood panel fence, and part-way through that resident’s fence, nosed into their patio.

Driving barefoot feels all kinds of weird, gross and wrong to me. It gave me the willies. I had to do it when I wrecked my ankle and was issued a walking boot for a few weeks and I will never do it again willingly.


Hello son.

When I was obsessed with detailing my cars (i.e. before children) I sometimes would move the car up and down the driveway while barefeet, because I did not want my dirty/wet shoes to soil the fresh interior.

The one I heard when I was a teen was that children conceived in the back seat aren’t technically yours, so you don’t have to worry about child support.

Another good change in the naming of difficulties is making it clear who the difficulties are intended for.  Playing Gears of War 4 recently I think the names were Easy, Normal, Hardcore, and Expert.  But what I liked was each had a description.  Easy is for people new to shooters, Normal is for people new to Gears,

Okay, so... I like the idea of interactive film, and I like the idea of using as many sensors as possible in creative ways. But this really does just sound... gimmicky.

Spielberg: “Got a great idea for a horror show”

“So yes, I just ordered 4 different kinds from an enterprising mom here at work. “

“SECOND warmest, not warmest. This proves that your GLOBAL WARMING is a HOAX. FAKE NEWS!”


“Girl Scouts Debut New _____ Cookie...”

cLiMaTe ChAnGe ISnT rEaL

“Dear Salty,

Thin mints and samoas and there are no others.  

When you buy your cookies, thank the girl who sold them to you and then thank the adults for supporting their girls in this process.