Frank Pollan, FBI Profiler

If you already have recurring back spasms, sneezing hard can be a very quick way of inducing an episode.

Complacency is bought and they only make it affordable for some, hence the race issues you raised before. For the middle class (?), debt cripples us, potential for better gives us hope, nice homes and cars allows us to pretend we’re doing well, and the occasional bone keeps us from getting too angry, though I’m

For better or worse, Amash is a true believer in the Freedom Caucasus, as opposed to the opportunists and grifters that the GOP is primarily filled with. His positions on most everything are still bad, but I guess some credit is due for being a little less of a bullshiter than the average chud?

Amash has broken ranks before, and I give him some credit for not hiding his shit behind closed doors. I’ve seen his FB page, and dude is super transparent. Even if you disagree with him, as I do, that’s still pretty respectable. I suspect he will reveal all soon.

She’s the tail end of baby boomers. She got hers. Fuck everyone else. You’d think the generation that was raised by the people who lived through WWII would have been taught better than that.

The use of the name “Lolita” on everything from lipsticks to lingerie has always bothered me. I never thought I was alone in that but it’s always nice when you find someone who agrees with your possibly nit-picky opinions.

Robert Parish. 

Saying “clap-back” is already not cool.  Change my mind.

From her Wiki bio:

Shake Shack has a GoT themed shake that would be perfect for this; it’s topped with “Dragonglass” (chocolate toffee)

It’s almost like she’s actually just a racist, who only has a problem when the people involved are a little too brown for her tastes.

Well, keep in mind that a century ago she would have been the one complaining about “drunken Irishmen” and “greasy Italians” (and she wouldn’t have used the terms “Irishmen” or “Italians” either). We’ve forgotten just how much prejudice there was against even other light-skinned immigrants at the time they came over

This is often what I see from conservative people I interact with. Children are just accessories to their parents rather than individual people in their own right.  

Have you ever been to Alabama?

Nah, it’s worse than that. The GOP has learned how to have its cake and eat it too when it comes to illegal immigration.

Reagan, Bush and their advisors knew that their megadonors and corporations rely upon undocumented workers to make as much profit as possible. Trump knows that as well since he utilizes undocumented workers at his properties, but he demonized Latin Americans because he cares more about his popularity amongst his base

That’s “the elite” for you

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Why does Eva Braun hate Ronzo Raygun and President Shrimp Barf?

I really need to keep a training journal, I have been way too lazy about that. This weekend my dad found his from back in the 80's and 90's and it was really interesting to see when he made progress and where that stopped due to either injuries or life. Having that sort of data to look back on would be invaluable for