America’s rich history of not treating people like human beings long precedes Trump.
America’s rich history of not treating people like human beings long precedes Trump.
But wait. David.
I am heartened by the volume of comments pushing back on this tired crowd pleasing Bernie Bro narrative, created by the Hillary campaign; (which also smeared Obama supporters, btw),
shhh...Stop with your statistics and facts!
Who are you saying “I told you so” to?
But wait.
I’ll tell you what I do think is going to change soon.
We are never going to disagree that Republicans suck.
Okay, since you and I go way back, way back before Frank was a profiler...back to when you quoted lyrics from the song, “Godzilla” for me, and repeated them since I was dense. :)
Oh. I can actually help here. I can offer some constructive discussion!
Mike Gravel is 89-years old, and has zero fucks to give.
How crazy is it that American citizens find themselves strategizing for other countries to avoid wars that we don’t want.
Suspiciously absent from your list is hand wringing, hold your nose Democrats who don’t want to look “soft”, and then just Hawk Dems.
Not gonna be their kids.
Let’s try to be direct with one another about something:
I’m actually trying to consider this logically now.
Violence is the final redoubt of the terminally inept.
Indeed it does.
You drank the Kool Aid.