Frank Pollan, FBI Profiler

I wish the children would save us.

Just think of all the helpless birds that adorable little murder machine will grow up to kill!



Seems to me that America has a personality split of sorts.

Doggone it, pedal-force! We’ve talked about this.

I do enjoy both garlic and hot peppers, so hopefully this will work!


And if that second letter fails, then somebody is going to get a very stern look.

Me to.

Oh sure. You’ll start out with a fun interactive type story.

It’s true.

Brut Cologne.

Hello, non-American readers out there in Splinterville.

I tend to share this view, but I have had a few Christians object when I point out that much of what goes down in the name of Jesus in America is pretty, “un-Christ like”.

All of that freedom stuff starts falling apart when you look at under that Saudi Arabias rock, yeah?

Hell, you could argue that all of AOC’s rhetoric basically boils down to “get on board or get run over”.

Having been to Lubbock too many times,

They like it. It livens things up. Which is necessary.