Because Bob is a REAL AMERICAN, and Andre is...swarthy and stuff.
Because Bob is a REAL AMERICAN, and Andre is...swarthy and stuff.
Yes! My point exactly!
I wish Henry would have caved in Izzo’s face.
Fuck this asshole, indeed.
But to bullying enthusiasts, and to the sporting culture that coddles them so, this is The Way It Is. This works.
Amazon Cuomo drives for Uber now?
Step one in “disruption” is to pay off, errr, lobby the government representatives.
Simple. So prove it.
If they are going to enforce these laws, there is no way we get through it without some bloodshed and violence. It is going to happen eventually.
Our country is beyond weird.
It’s an amazing closed loop of logic, is it not?
Fox News is corrupt and has an agenda. This is shocking. Said no one ever.
Law and order.
Do you all have a staff meeting every morning and draw straws as to who has to watch The View and write it up?
We do tend to rehabilitate everybody in America.
I sure hope that Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year was not for his politics. That ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.
So yeah I said 4 words as I was walking to the couch and it kept me from having to find and then juggle multiple remotes to get the power turned on and inputs set right, volume adjusted so it doesn’t destroy my ears, turns on discord and drops me into my server.
Does this guy think the pro wrestling is real too?
Wingnut America?