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That’s the second generic pop song cover in the second trailer.

Biggest obvious difference is that the movie is only the first half of the book. Part two kinda did the rest, but of course that movie is worse...

Heck, how bad can an Oscars where Hayao Miyazaki wins Best Animated Film really be?”

Forever and always...

Nathan Fillian as Superhero? Missed crossover opportunity.

It was a close call on

he does tend to find positive things to say about most adaptations of his work.

My guess is ATJ will play her in a flash forward in Paul’s visions to then play her as an adult in Dune Messiah.

Pretty much the only major female character not yet introduced, so. Yeah.

But... but all the hundreds of millions of broflakes who vowed to boycott it.....

If your last name is West, pick another movie to homage....

Plus West’s daughter, North

One would think so.