“He says they’re “overused these days”
“He says they’re “overused these days”
A director who made a movie about nothing but entryways to houses should not judge movie by their title alone!
So - Anatomy of a Fall is one of the ten best pictures of the year - but it’s not one of the best five best international pictures of the year?
Sure. I’d really like to see them coming up with an explanation for how the bible turned him into Daredevil.
Over-saturation and over-complication. Works Perfectly well for Marvel right now. Everybody Loves their current movies....
Everyone can deliver a bad performance. So, yes, - up until the point where he went: “Oh, it not my fault, MY jokes are funny, the other writers suck”.
You can make films fans like And be creative about it. Not mutually exclusive.
So you have a new Star Wars movie for me?
If high ranking members of cults weren’t normally pretty likeable, the world would be rid of a huge problem.
In a world - where tornadoes are a thing....
“When you watch a Zack Snyder film, you see and feels his love for the potential of cinema. The potential of it to be fantastical, to be heightened in its reality, but to move you and to excite you.”
This is an original story. It’s being created by hundreds, if not thousands of technicians.
Mission accomplished.
Thanks, Sucker Punch
“Cinematic and Box Office Achievement in Motion Pictures”
It’s not just about wether he lives or not, it completly changes the premise for a sequel. Who the hero and who the villain is...
Didn’t like to be defeated...
Next up: The Hunger Games Reality Show, based on the popular non-political Sports movies.
“My nose is very similar to Lenny’s, actually”