
Not being a native English speaker, I can’t really judge English accents, so I never had that problem. He’s a bit dull and lifeless in the role, but that’s kinda the point of Jonahthan Harker in this version, after all - to be a counterpoint to Dracula’s ironically much more vivid persona.

He just respects them too much to spoil their creative process with such a mundane thing as money!

Coppola’s Dracula deserves the Top Spot on the Best Vampire Movies list. One of my favourite movies. Period.

The top tier special effects really only work in 3D. It’s like Avatar.

Even of you’re not much of a fan of his classics, Dracula is a long tumble down for a legendary director in every respect.


Buying a Weird Barbie REALLY misses the point of the character, doesn’t it...

Vampires does not have naked Alyssa Milano....

I’d tell you to watch the movie for context, but I cannot honestly do that to anyone... ;)

As Count Dracula awoke one evening from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his coffin into a gigantic insect.

Death of the Dead

He’s mentally a 12 year old who has too much money at his hands and nobody to say not to him... so...

The point of a warning shot is usually to prove that you could kill without actually doing so. Therefore the “Warning”.

that he Gerwig movie is “too camp while also posing too great a challenge to traditional male authority.”

Potentially. Germany didn’t surrender until Berlin was taken, and Germans had been fed on nationalism, jingoism and propaganda to fight to the last breath for years. And despite - or because of - the casualties the occupation caused, the resistance crumbled the very second Berlin was taken and the allies were welcomed

Germany didn’t surrender before the allies took Berlin - which cost a lot of lives, civilian and military, but despite having entered the war on a wave of nationlism and jingoism and being pushed by their leaders fight to0 the last breath, in the end the allies were greeted as liberators by a large part of the

Germany didn’t surrender until the allied forces had occupied Berlin. Senior citizens and children were drafted as a lest resort - which didn’t do Anything to improve the morale of the people to resist the occupation. Germany rode into war on a wave of nationalism and patriotism, yet over all, many more Germans

Why would anyone possibly want a phsyical copy of their favourite Disney thing in the age of streaming?