
soothing balm to an industry wracked by uncertainty

“They started is” is not how you treat your nation’s own war crimes if you want to keep claiming the moral highground of a war.

As a German - this isn’t a zero sum game. The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians, asking for respect for them is the right of every nation and war crimes cannot be justified by a they started it”.

None of that takes away from the suffering and deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

As a German - had the bombs been ready a few month earlier and the US dropped them on Hamburg and Bremen just some weeks before the surrender instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I’d assume our culture of Vergangenhetrisbewätigung might be a little taintend by deserved bitterness as well...

So - a show practically nobody watched has created the most drastic changes since the start of the MCU. Which they’re eitehr going to have to ingore or run the risk of cofusing the hell out of casual watchers.

Slight oversimplification... :)

Perfect reply. :)

I mostly listend to stations that played classics.. Also I looked it up now, and on our national billboard charts, Push didn’t make it past #91. I have an excuse based on location, it seems. :)

I checked - I’m German and the song was a whopping #91 in our national billboard charts. Feeling a little less stupid now for not knowing a song that barely made it to the top 100... :)

Which gets even better then you know Margot Robbie produced the film herself. :)

Thanks, but it’s the other way around. The turn of the century was more or less the point where I stopped caring about current music... :D

armed with nothing more than a man in a fedora and a woman in pink

The first was a decent pun, the last ones sounds like they tried to have AI come up with the answers...

I - had never heard that song before... I thought they made that one up for the movie.... How is that an actual song????

That’s why I said multiple ones. It doesn’t have to be Q even though they could of course just make the crew forget they met afterwards. Could be Trelane, if we stick with the TOS era. Or any other powerfull god or other entity we’ve met. Or a brand new one, not much of a deal, one more.

No mention of Mermaid Ken, huh?

a subspace anomaly creates a wave through the ship that compels the crew to belt their hearts out in song.
