
Actually there have been several small scale experiments that show that almost every modern car would die with an EMP. They have even built prototype EMP guns to use in Law enforcement, but they are currently impractical because of energy requirements.

So I thought that the Sci-Fi side would help me choose another book, but I have literally read every single one. I guess I just have good taste. But I guess I should take a closer look at the fantasy side, they must be good too.

The problem with modern tech is that a lot of it is featureless multitasking rectangles. The cartoonist is not mad at Steve, he is lamenting the loss of easy to draw unitaskers.

Yes, unbeknownst to most people the coolest stuff is actually in warehouse 12, not it's neighbor.

It really needs to be Giz policy to always post the alt text when you post a xkcd comic. Really. "and they both react poorly to showers"

I know! And Murk is a perfectly cromulent word.

Yes I am sure Time Warner must earn tens of dollars during a rally.

Just think of all the awesome sci fi stories that are a little more plausible now.

Exactly! Why isn't this the official position of Darpa? They can teleport now!

The first time anyone sees this problem, they instinctively say that the odds are the same after an empty cup is removed, but as you research the Monty Hall problem you see that it really is better to switch. So very counter intuitive.

When you talk about advances in technology and sciences, it is all about the money. When there is a large market, a good way to earn money, the technology is developed. Drugs, computers, whatever makes the most money gets developed. So we need a model for desalination plants that allows a corporation to sell to a

It all makes sense now! That is how he can afford such awesome traveling

Because there are lots of morons out there that enter their UK address into a US only site and never think that the default country of USA means they cannot enter. They need it spelled out for them.

How come we don't have life sized quadcopters? That would be so awsome

There are several flaws in your logic Ilael, but I will leave you with this: Alcubierre Drive.

The problem with that logic is that it assumes that interstellar travel is particularly complicated and only a very advanced race could ever discover it. What if interstellar travel is not that complicated and a race only slightly more advanced than ours could achieve it?

what? are you scared of getting your phone sick at a public charging station? Live life man.

It is fascinating how many times the vactrain almost took off, but then was abandoned. They say sometimes that an idea is just ripe, several people invent something at the same time and it takes off right away. This is just the opposite, no new ideas, and it never quite takes off. Interesting because it really is a

I believe that Jefferson, Washington, and Pope all have fart related quotes, they were a gassy bunch.

That is what I thought too, that would have been a far more interesting story. In fact, I am going to call my friends in the MRD and make that happen. Story at 11.