
Dear Gizmodo,

That is an excellent definition of fantasy, deliberately violating plausibility; in contrast true sci-fi goes off of the central what-if, taking that what-if as a reality and the rest of the story is plausible in relation to that what-if.

I had totally forgotten all about it, but I loved that show. Wonderful stuff

I vote for you! That is awesome! And I am only half kidding

I hear you, I take on the speech mannerisms of the main character of the last book I read. I don't even notice it much, until someone mentions it later.

Ok it was not five whole min, but yes, I am sufficiently ashamed of my stupidity now.

I want this in my Zombie survival kit. That and a rifle and you are done.

The image posted is not the "old" one before someone said stop the presses, it is the "new" one they printed after that.

I am not in the know, what does that string of numbers mean?

I want a Wii port for Portal 2, it will never happen I know. But it would be so awesome to shoot portals with the Wii remote.

I honestly was not planning on getting the 3DS until I heard about the Ocarina bundle possibility. I loved that game so much, I just might take the plunge and buy it when it comes out.

I had to stare at the first picture for a while before my brain was able to admit that the very cute Slave Leia was not the bride. Crazy!

In the small town he lives in? Lincoln Nebraska is small enough that he assumes he would find it again in the course of his job. Or was that fact not in the article you read? Are Giz articles so slapdash that they had to add that detail after you asked the question?

My favorite part of Bessel beams is that they don't make sense according to everyday physics. It lets me hope that we will one day discover new methods and sciences, it opens up a closed physics field. Also I am sure that FTL will one day be possible.

Yeppers, It takes me forever to finish any Zelda game, but honestly it is kind of fun. I definitely get my money's worth out of the game.

Cursive ruined my handwriting. Before I learned, I actually was ledgeable, now though I cannot go back and no one can read what I write.

If I saw this, I would have no choice but to look at every single folder before I moved on.

Lol, Michael could not accomplish a complex legal action just by shouting something. It is crazy that Tajik men can.

As sad as it is that we are losing SETI, I am kind of ok with it. I mean, even if we did find some strange signal, it is not like we could do anything about it. Our spacefaring technology is at such a low level that we could not visit or even really respond to any communication. Even if the info was about an

Beautiful, just beautiful. I don't have a comic book store in town, is there any way I can order a copy online?