
I have an edit button, it must be just for the super awesome among us.

I wondered about that too, people did not even try not to be sexist until decades later, so did they just dismiss her out of hand?

I think there is a good chance that they will do it justice, that seems to be the intent of this incarnation of Ender's Movie. Especially since the three points you brought up are so relevant today.

I was talking about the previous stills that came from this project, in the other picture she had pancakes, not boobs. In the current incarnation I would say she is womanly as the original, which is where I was going with the first comment.

I feel silly saying this, but I am really glad that Cheetara got a boob job. Not just because that is nice eye candy, but because she needs to be a real woman, without her there are no real women on the show.

Seriously? It seems stupid to think we would ever have water wars. We can recycle water rather efficiently these days, and even if we could not, desalination plants are already cheap and efficient. This really is a water world, get over yourself scientists.

I think sucker punch failed because people cannot get a good idea of what the move is all about from the commercials. The common man is not going to go see a movie if he cannot understand the movie enough to make a preliminary guess if he might like it or not.

Ten times is right, the energy produced through photosynthesis is not that much. This process is still not that efficient, but it is cheap so that is cool.

Wow, beautiful artwork. The synopsis was not all that interesting, but that artwork will make me pick up a copy.

I thought this was funny at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it really is sad that a group of loners wants to torture and hurt the other loners just because they want to actually get a life. It is genuinely mean and that is just not that funny.

They cannot make them look too much like a real stormtrooper helmet because of copyright issues, Lucas is very sue happy.

This is actually a great idea, I have always thought it would be cool to do an alien story where they just ignore us humans. They are space faring superadvanced beings, they would not care about us.

I read that title differently Duke Nukem is forever delayed... which sounds right really.

I am reading this right now, mostly done and I wonder how they can create a coherent storyline from the source material. As a novel the disjointed accounts work, but for a movie you would have to change a lot. Do we trust Hollywood with that amount of change needed? The movie script might be unrecognizable as WWZ

I am reasonably certain that America has the worst cell prices in the world, and our network is rather bad too. The funny thing is that the UK's prices are still expensive compared to a lot of the rest of the world, and yet way cheaper than America.

So what I want to see is a grassroots campaign to get DaneForst's posters to replace the originals. It would be awesome, io9 would head the way, showing the power of the common man, and the movie folks would totally get behind it because the coverage of something that out of the ordinary would be epic.

So I am against polygamy, but it seems silly as a society that we are fine with same sex marriages, but not a man with several wives.

Everyone who is reading this list knows that all of those things are impossible, because we are interested in this kind of stuff and pay enough attention to separate fact from fiction. What this study really is saying is that one in five brits care so little about science that they don't even bother to find out what

So where does the power come from? Are they stealing from the grid? Because that much power cannot be missed, the community at some point has to be supported by the government because of the power...

That made the whole thing funnier, he could do the sounds right, he just chose not to.