
@ch3burashka: Actually certain types of radiation do escape the event horizon of a black hole, so don't discount the impossible so quickly. These Italian scientists are obviously lying, trying to set up a scam, but that does not mean that cold fusion is impossible.

We have known about the shifting of the glaciers well before this was built, it seems like we spent millions without bothering to check that simple fact. Go Team America!

@cletar: indeed, I expect better of io9

@skt.smth: Ok good point, caps lock comment rescinded in that case.

@BluegrassGeek: Thats just it, Batman Begins had one villain, Ra's Al Ghul with the Scarecrow as window dressing and The Dark Knight is the Joker's show, with two face only making an appearance.

@selsox: Thousands and thousands have published their ebook on Kindle's format, less than ten have got a publishing house contract after that. So if you want to get it published elsewhere, try that first.

@Chris Braak: @hdgotham: Independent publishers cannot make their ebook free with Amazon, they only do that for the big boys.

Two villains? I call disaster. Every single batman movie (and superhero movie for that matter) that has more than one villain is terrible. TERRIBLE!

@214w: Normally I think the comments by the grammar nazis are silly, because even if you make a mistake people still understand you. Not in this case. I really did not understand you, 214w. YOU'RE, as in you are getting a ring.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: I leave mine open because my Wii is quirky, it won't accept any wep key, so the only way to play it is to leave it open. I don't worry about my neighbors much though, every single one of them has their own network.

@Almightywhacko: 9 percent of Americans leave the country at least once every ten years. 2 Percent leave at least once every other year.

What movie is that first picture from?

Ok folks, here is a good question: When in the history of time has a conspiracy theorist been wildly denounced about his crazy ideas, but then proven right?

@theenglishman: That was seriously entertaining, I love it when people win big.

@Settings: Stereotypes about how nice Canadians are? How is that a bad thing?

This article is entirely correct in the assumption that Aliens advanced enough to get here could easily kill us all, but it ignores the culture aspect. Just because they could, does not mean they necessarily will.

The discovery special on this one showed it was a terrible idea, problems with the design to the concept.