
Should not have been as “close” as it was: I stopped counting the layups GS left on the rim at twelve.

I grew up in a neighborhood where hockey was the second religion and the B’s were the college of cardinals. Someone had arranged for Sanderson to speak to a pack of a couple hunderd or so of us shanty Irish kids in the auditorium of the local clinic. POS stiffed us. Forty years later I’m walking down Summer Street

Irony: When the fisherman from Alaska who voted for Trump looks to the sky waiting for the USCG helicopter that isn’t coming because of budget cuts as his boat takes on water.

I don’t think it was Howie Long. I think it was Matt Millen. And the only problem I had (and continue to have) with that was he didn’t murder the entire Sullivan clan. The Sullivans, Victor Kiam, John Y Brown, The Yawkey Trust and the Jacobs family are the karmic retribution Boston sports fans received for Red

I agree. I’m a candy ass from Massachusetts and I watch whenever it’s on NBC Sports. The scariest gd thing is how serene the bull looks just before he’s let loose with the aim of murdering the poor rider. I think that if there was a comparo of ‘nad sizes, bull v. rider it would come in at a flat footed tie.

Why did it have to be a skinny, autistic cross country kid he had to pick on? Why couldn’t he have picked on a 250 - pound, ‘roid - raging football kid?