Over the long weekend, headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery outside of St. Louis were vandalized—just…
Over the long weekend, headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery outside of St. Louis were vandalized—just…
These people just have no fucking concept of picking their battles. Gold star families, POWs, The Anne Frank Center; any functioning 8 year old could have looked at those situations and said “yea, I’ll sit this one out.” But no, 45&co aren’t smart enough for that.
I may hate Justin Bieber, but he is still better than Donald Trump.
He’s Canadian, thus equally unqualified to be President.
Or that maybe the occasional bland comment about anti-semitism being bad doesn’t make up for appointing anti-semites to prominent positions.
Funny, because I wish Donald trump was fighting anti-Semitism.
“It’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this that it’s never good enough.”
Those eyes aren’t the eyes of just a sleep deprived man (I’ve been that, sometimes three nights in a row, it never looks that bad), those are the eyes of a sleep deprived, most probably drunk and maybe on drugs man
This is some motherfucking, ass-backwards bullshit.
So, what, specifically, makes me come across like a prick in this comment? Is it the clearly barely-concealed rage about actions I think are cruel, inhumane, and un-American?
Maybe when I do my taxes this year I’ll add a note saying my payment is “subject to the availability of resources.” Seems legit.
The immigration court backlog is going to grow and grow as well, and people will be stuck in limbo for years at a time.
If you’re white, you’re fine. If you’re an immigrant, well, you may be in bad shape. If you’re undocumented? Get a lawyer now and talk over your options immediately, right now, ASAP, instantly, JUST DO IT #shia.
Right? Imagine the horror a parent goes through when they hear that they son or daughter they left back in Honduras is being threatened with murder, torture, or rape if they don’t leave immediately. And that parent thinks “I need to get my child out of the situation immediately, and that means bringing them here to me…
Well, it’s immigration law and that’s my area of expertise, so, you know, I try.
The Constitution, likely. There’s a very good argument that due process wouldn’t allow for a single immigration official to be both judge and prosecutor and order the deportation of someone who’s been here for one year and 364 days (ER is statutorily limited to within two years of entry). That’s why, in the past, ER…
There definitely isn’t enough budget to do it. Interestingly, some of the only changes from the leaked memos we got over the weekend and the ones released today are a couple of lines adding in weasel words about the budget. So, in the part about hiring 10,000 new ICE agents, they added “subject to the availability of…
The charging of parents with child smuggling is what, in particular, is really standing out for me. By all means, punish the smugglers who commit atrocities against these vulnerable kids, but punish their desperate parents? Most of us here are lucky enough to not understand the absolute desperation it must take to…