frank maguire

im hoping something similar. Sam says something about "just knowing, its meant to be" thats horseshit in my experience. Some couples do seem to have that relationship…Or the couple that genuinely "never fights" (ive been there) but sometimes it is messy. Lots of fights, and jabs but addicted to one and other. (been

I agree that it does seem to have come out of knowhere…
Like had we got a discussion that his father's death impacted his own thoughts on fatherhood (like him saying what he "wont do" When I become a father"… ). Likewise from Gretchen, its a massive blow and the show gets the insult across powerfully but when we start

That's how i read it also, when it was sad. She mentioned her infertility, a personal revelation when both were vulnerable and elaborated on how that part of her fed into the "monster" that they created when she went off killing people etc.

question is what were the ratings like compared with Agent Carter?
Which was more popular?
(Agent Carter def with critics but in actual numbers is there enough to get it back?)

ha yea i did that too :D

ha yes! :D I actually kind of see that thats what would have happened. I mean he did stand up to her in the initial break up… so it was sad to see it sort of go back over familiar territory… she tries to be honest with him. But he should have been honest with her also

Yes. We didnt really get a good explanation why he totally burned the bridges of that "good" relationship (I mean I kind of expected her to be "understanding" and convince him that they ask Lindsey to give it to them in a typical sitcome-surrogate plot…), he really didnt have to end it that way.
I assumed that it was

sure. I mean, he has no choice if Lindsay decides to "keep" "it". He would have presumably been forced to play his part (either financially or otherwise).
I mean its true we dont really get to explore why He loves her and takes her back. But he is willing to be humiliated to keep her happy.
He does/did want the baby

While not having the abortion would probably have been out of character I do hope the show deals with the fallout of the abortion on Paul. He made a decision to come back to his wife because of the child they were planning to have, he really wants to be a father and this was his chance; he broke up with the other girl

well generally action movies, Die Hard, Spiderman, Batman are considered boys films…?

I was teaching a class of 7 year olds the other day where one girl said she liked spiderman to which the other girls all insisted it was a boys film. It sparked an interesting discussion, obviously boys should be allowed like "girl" films (Frozen) and girls should be allowed like "boys" films (the avengers?) but this

I dont think its particularly subversive to promote liberal/feminist ideals when far as I can tell most tv shows form part of a liberal narrative (can you think of any show that doesnt?). You are right that with sitcoms we rarely see pregnancy given a grittier treatment (although it could be argued that since comedy

When was the last time a sit com like this actually dealt with something as real and normal for a group of friends like pregnancy? Friends was ages ago…

I took the narrator more as a meta aspect. Reminding the viewers that *this is just a telenovela* (which it isnt :p),this show has a tendency towards honesty and letting the truth out early and likewise the narrator is part of that making sure the viewers are not taking it all too serious, it lessens the drama of what

a fun throwaway gag for sure but would be interesting to see their friendship dynamics and how this Big Change is/will be/could be affected.

I am much more easily satisfied and clearly not as attentive as many people (i missed so many of those tiny jokes) and still loved it. I liked season 4 more than many although it was still possibly the weakest (although its hard to be sure since we were all informed by the lack of Harmon). This episode (and the others

What about Malcolm in the Middle, its one of the reasons i avoided it given the siilarities i assumed it was the same stuff… Is there a good comparison/contrast explaining why one is better??

what about Malcolm in the Middle. one of the reasons i never got into The Middle was cos of the obvious similarities, id love an article on a comparison and why one is better than the other…?