
He should just quit being Justin Bieber and let her do it. Then we'd like him. Her.

What kind of fucking monster kills a dog?

If you kill my dog I fucking kill you straight up no questions asked ever

^^My main takeaway

See, when you work from home your wardrobe slowly but surely starts morphing toward the "wears like a snuggle" direction anyway. This would solve my problem where I end up not going out to do errands because that means I actually have to get dressed.

<3 ya, Burt.

Actually, the blog also takes its name from a Bette Davis movie called Jezebel. The choice of the name Jezebel was to demonstrate the laughable hypocrisy in how women who were so-called "Jezebels" were historically vilified thanks in large part to a patriarchal culture obsessed with shaming women for owning their

Why is spring?

Baby Birdy is too young and I'm too new at this Mom thing to feel comfortable handing her off to somebody so I can have a night out. So I'll be putting her down to sleep and then smoking a bowl for the first time since Valentine's Day. Then, I assume, I will pass out for a couple hours until Baby Birdy wakes up to

Oh Tommy. A very, very ancient Gawker Media law forbids commenters from asking questions like "who???" in comments because, as you so clearly know, if you're able to drop a comment into a post you are probably able to use this newfangled contraption known as Google. In the olden times, asking "WHO???" like a moron

My daughter once took over 700 pictures of a movie she was watching on television. She was three at the time.

Look on the bright side: Trump probably meant the country needed someone more regressively conservative or libertarian than Bush.

That was ultimately what I decided before I went on the trip. I had a really interesting conversation with two older women in Zim that summed it up for me. One, a white Zimbabwean woman, told me if I was her daughter she'd kill me (no irony here) for taking such a dangerous trip. The other woman, a white American,

Lenny Kravitz is a sexy, sexy man, and this has only made him sexier in my eyes.

There's a difference between "stoners" and "people that smoke pot...the first being a distinct, and distinctly awful, subculture and the ssecond being like...everyone under 40...

The homecoming queen of my high school now cleans my mother's teeth. My experience is that most of those who peak at that age, when social success is based primarily on how "normal" (i.e. average) you are, end up boring semi-failures updating their profiles.

"Never let a gay man out-purse you!!" *accompanying fierce sashay down pretend runway*

Natalie Portman: "Lauren Brown"

I hate these motherfuckers with the fire of a thousand suns.

When I had a kid I was married to a man that made more than enough money to support us. Our plan was for me to stay home and then finish my degree when our daughter started school. That didn't work out and he doesn't pay child support. But thank you for your judgement.

I'm not a huge supporter of Michael Brown. I generally feel that if you attack or flee from a police officer (who isn't hiding his identity as a cop or blatantly committing a crime himself) you deserve to be shot. Obviously, figuring out the truth of whether this is what happened is another matter, but with all of the

What tune would I change? I don't think I'll EVER change my opinion that cookie-cutter shows you don't care, at all. And unique/custom doesn't mean that you HAVE to support any industry you don't like.