Question to the Bible writers™: How much research you do for that one?
Question to the Bible writers™: How much research you do for that one?
Which is still useful today via youtube!
Same here: some really interesting parts surrounded by unbelievably boring parts — best experienced by scrubbing through the video.
Ugh, Chinese shrimp dumplings from a hole in the wall.
I remember very distinctly not using any inventory items throughout the entire game — I literally couldn’t figure it out and already beat it by the time I learned “Oh, I can assign stuff by...”
Honestly, I’ll take any weird-ass hole -in-the-wall local dive-bar/restaurant hybrid over Burger King, but I’m surrounded by pretty good alternatives.
I whole-heartedly love Fortnite’s “put it in the game, I don’t fucking care” outlook. Batman? Thanos? Rick Sanchez? Star Wars? Yep, stick them in the game. Change the map every couple of months? Sure. New game modes and/or weird guns? Slap ‘em in. Up yours, balance.
Oh hell yea, I can put all my experience with mechanical presses to use again. Screw my +10 years experience with code.
I’d definitely be interested in a $20k truck but Ford is a tough sell for me.
Did anyone have to read the title 4 times and still kept reading:
Yeah, my one regret is the PSVR on a not-PS4 Pro. Was waiting until they released PSVR2 (hoped on the PS4...) but it never came and glad I picked it up at the beginning of covid... But man, PS4 Pro seems like the upgrade to take at the moment.
Since 1959 [a yard] is by international agreement standardized as exactly 0.9144 meters.
Fitbit’s gotten a little bit more sophisticated and calculates your caloric burn based on entered weight and height. Hopefully, your weight has been entered recently. I would put money if you update your weight to include backpacks it’ll be more accurate.
*cue laughtrack*
Yeah, this seems like low ass effort shitty 90's shock comic joke: “Butch? Wears sweatpants? Feminist? How long has she been gay?” *cue laughs*
Honestly, there’s a couple of people I’ve reached out to from high school and college and enjoyed the catch up.
Generally, I like the idea of these games but in reality without something like Hearthstone’s server-controlled card retirement and / or card creation programs (even thought I hate micro-transactions), there’s god-awful power creep and artificial rarity.
I remember back in 2004 having a MTG “play from the grave” deck that worked fairly well. +10 mana creatures summoned for 2-4 mana. Worked great and built it from a standard deck — total cost was something like $10 plus maybe $5 in trades.