
As Is ran for almost 300 performances, a pretty significant run for a work that was relatively challenging for the time. Also, it was nominated for Best Play but didn't win.

Parsons played the same part on Broadway (the only Broadway cast member to be in the movie), and FWIW I thought he seemed quite Southern and bitchy on stage.

I've watched an episode of American Bible Challenge. It's pretty much what you'd expect. The questions are just slightly more difficult than the Bible category on QuizUp, so if you have any kind of Bible knowledge, chances are you could do pretty well. The final round was the only place I ran into any problems.

Count me in as another fan of this show, and I would love to see regular coverage, if that's possible.

I really love The Music Man.

Sonia, am I your ex-boyfriend?

I'm actually really liking this show so far. Yes, the CGI in this episode was pretty terrible, but I'm invested in the story and I love most of the actors. I'm definitely willing to give it a season to find itself before I write it off as another Hell on Wheels.

When you google Steakflower, his Wiki page comes up second EVEN THOUGH THAT WORD ISN'T ON IT

I mean, I think the joke in that sketch was precisely that MRAs are usually loud and brash and this guy was surprisingly meek and mild.

Especially because the conjecture is that most of Q is used in Matthew and Luke, so any movie made from that hypothetical source would probably look a lot like many other Jesus movies.

William Daniels, and I'm shocked you don't like him in the movie! I agree the direction is plodding at best, but the actors make the movie work for me.

I take exception to your mention of 1776 but otherwise I agree.

I don't think the movie is super great, but it is a lot of fun and Streisand and Matthau are surprisingly great scene partners.

I will proudly say I own the blu-ray of Hello Dolly and have watched it twice. Not a great movie, no one is arguing that, but it gives a lot of pleasure.

But he likes both "Put on Your Sunday Clothes" and "It Only Takes a Moment."

I saw the remake first and enjoyed it, but the original is so brilliant that it really does tarnish the remake.

I think some of the reviewers might. I do agree with you though.

I've been reading Raising Hope reviews since they started, but it's hard to do now that the show airs on Friday. Usually I read this site at work, and by Monday I have too many reviews to catch up on, so Raising Hope gets pushed off. I hope they finish off reviewing this season at least.

Well, I don't appreciate that sentiment, although I would caution anyone against taking the opinions of people on BroadwayWorld too seriously.

She was also in The Class, and I've had a crush on her ever since that show.