
Holly Ellenbogen!

Holly Ellenbogen!

Does anyone else ever confuse him with the guy who played the goofy detective on Monk? Because I think they should play brothers.

Does anyone else ever confuse him with the guy who played the goofy detective on Monk? Because I think they should play brothers.

Yeah, I was like, GoldenEye hardly looks silly next to Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is Not Enough.

Yeah, I was like, GoldenEye hardly looks silly next to Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is Not Enough.

That line about Renaissance Homer made my roommate laugh harder than almost anything else in the episode.

That line about Renaissance Homer made my roommate laugh harder than almost anything else in the episode.

I enjoyed the 90s episode as a lark, but of course it was no patch on the original Homer and Marge flashback episodes.

I enjoyed the 90s episode as a lark, but of course it was no patch on the original Homer and Marge flashback episodes.

A Lane/Harnick Upstairs, Downstairs musical?? How I wish that had happened!

A Lane/Harnick Upstairs, Downstairs musical?? How I wish that had happened!

I feel like Tina would be awfully disappointed if they did Pacific Overtures, since it's mostly an all-male cast (and in some productions, completely all-male.)

I feel like Tina would be awfully disappointed if they did Pacific Overtures, since it's mostly an all-male cast (and in some productions, completely all-male.)

It was actually $137m, with $82m in the US and Canada.

It was actually $137m, with $82m in the US and Canada.

$137m, with $82m in the US, but your point stands. It was much more successful than I remembered it.

$137m, with $82m in the US, but your point stands. It was much more successful than I remembered it.

Ok, you've only seen two of his worst shows (one of which he admittedly had little to do with) and three episodes of one of his good ones… I don't think you can really judge Rob Thomas based on that.

Ok, you've only seen two of his worst shows (one of which he admittedly had little to do with) and three episodes of one of his good ones… I don't think you can really judge Rob Thomas based on that.