
No there aren’t. There is an instagram post by the 2nd husband of two children who he calls his nieces, taken in the UK May 4th 2013. They are identified via hashtag as “manny” and “sunny” and as “twins.” Omar, who would not set foot in the UK until 2015, liked the photo. It is literally her only involvement in the

Okay, so let pretend for a second that the shell game right-wing media outlets are playing with those address records is actually rigorous, accurate investigative reporting, at that all 3 of the adults involved lived in the same Fargo apartment for some amount of time. How does that lend any...ANY credence to the

“...a bit of horny texting.”

“but was a light piece about the casual first impressions of Australia from an average American.”

What they should have said was neither. Framing the speech/the shutdown as being about who wants/doesn’t want “stronger border security” in the abstract only benefits Trump and the Dems help legitimize that framing by stating their position on it. It dilutes the rebuttal by taking the focus away from the reality that t

I’m willing to consider this, but leaving out the home fields they played in is slightly disingenuous. Coors vs. Jack Murphy? Peaking during the stolen-base eighties vs. the power-centric 2000's? Would you give me even odds that Gwynn could have hit .400 in Coors once?

I always appreciate an analysis like that. My main point - Brandon Belt? (and I’ve been a Giants’ fan for all of my 50 years)

Hot take alert: Todd Helton was better than Tony Gwynn (or at the very least pretty damned close to the “same class”)

It takes a strange kind of skill for someone have such a specific, definitive conception of the reading habits of NY’s inmate population based on 2nd party anecdotes from one guy who appears to have worked at a vendor that doesn’t sell books.

“Three squares”? In some prisons they get two meals. Some meals are child-sized. Sometimes they get four minutes to eat. Some meals are so disgusting that the courts have had to step in and there have been lawsuits.

Seeing as everyone he listed apart from Sugar Ray were heavyweights, I’d recommend finding something else to say as you’re going to your grave. Unless you want the last thing you hear on Earth to be “yeah, no shit grandpa.”