Franklin Benedict

One of them is played by Alison Brie. This one's easy.

Just Pete and Trudy, I believe. Maybe Ken? But Don's always been in New York State.

Dong Draper?

I give him points for subverting expectations; I just in my heart of hearts want some sort of killer solo or key change or just a straight up new section that builds and builds. Just my power pop sensibilities, I guess.

It's such an awesome, catchy, upbeat song and then it just loses all momentum with that bridge. Totally unfitting.

Can we sue Tom Petty for making "American Girl" only 2/3 of a great song? Seriously, what's up with that breakdown?

I guess by settling out of court, there WAS an easy way out!

Did you guys know The Lion King is Hamlet?!?!

Yeah, her appropriation of NYC is definitely a bad look. Puts her in such dubious company as Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, and so on.

Also, it probably suffers because of the Sox' subsequent World Series victories and the incessant "Red Sox Nation" machine that has marched on non-stop since 2004. But before they won it that year, they really were a fun, quaint little team to root for.

Man, whatever, this movie is pretty OK. Sure, it's not great and Jimmy Fallon is not a leading man. But more so than other movies that have attempted the same thing, it very effectively conveys the irrationality of being a die-hard sports fan. The trying to make more of something than what's there, the over-the-top

Ruby & Ossie are reunited. <3

Hey, cool! I like them!

IIRC, the tickets Vanessa gave him were for a Bruins-Rangers game, and the game he attended with Amia was a Penguins-Rangers game.

That seemed like an intentional jump cut.

It reminded me of Punch-Drunk Love as well. Must've been the music. Whatever it was had the same light, carnival-like, '60s-tinged quality as Jon Brion's score.

"Let's Twist Again" is so much more affecting than "The Twist" because of that fourth chord. The latter is simple blues, I, IV, V, but the former includes that minor VI that gives it the extra emotional punch.

I've always preferred Disco 2000 to Common People.

This headline is one word too long.

Grand Fenwick from The Mouse That Roared.